Asians Do Therapy
Conversations with Asians and Asian Americans on both sides of the couch.
Hosted by Yin J. Li, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Email: asiansdotherapy@gmail.com
Asians Do Therapy
Linda Thai, LMSW. Unnameable Losses of Adult Children of Refugees
In this conversation, I speak with Linda Thai (she/hers). Linda is a Vietnamese Australian trauma and somatic therapist currently living in Alaska.
I was very intrigued by Linda's work. She is writing and researching about the intersections of trauma, healing and adult children of refugees, specifically Vietnamese refugees.
Some of what we touched upon in this conversation:
- Naming the losses of adult children of those who sought refuge
- The need for clinicians to have "a bigger frame" in which to understand our experience
- What somatic therapy is and what it might look like
- The importance of reclaiming cultural strengths and recognizing our resilience
I hope this conversation moves you. And, that it provides you with some understanding and compassion of your experience, of the experience of Vietnamese folks, and of those who have sought and continue to seek refuge.
Linda Thai (she/her) is a trauma and somatic therapist. After surviving post war Vietnam, her family sought refuge in Australia. She is a storyteller, freelance educator, an adjunct faculty member at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks and assists Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, an internationally renowned psychiatrist and trauma expert, in his workshops. Linda also offers her own training and workshops. One of her trainings is called, Unnameable Losses: The Unmetabolized Ambiguous Grief of Adult Children of Refugees. You can find Linda at www.linda-thai.com and https://www.facebook.com/LindaThaiCoachingConsulting.
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